Abuba Steak

abuba steak kh wahid hasyim
abuba steak menteng
abuba steak jakarta
Jl. K.H. Wahid Hasyim No. 120
, Jakarta Pusat, Jakarta, Indonesia, 10340
Kategori: Restaurant
Masakan: Bistik
Harga per Orang: < 100.000
Kode Pakaian: Casual
Lokasi Parkir: Private Parking
Metode Pembayaran: Debit Card, Visa Card
Akses Internet: Wi Fi
Jam Buka: 11:00 - 24:00

Boleh dicoba

Dikirim oleh Yohanes B. pada 24 Mar 2011
Cooked to perfection. You will get what you order.
Only 1(one) sauce available (BBQ) and local steak was not very perfect as in the shape.
Went there with a few friends and ordered the medium-well local tenderloin. it comes exactly as ordered.
order the second plate, this time it's the NZ sirloin medium cooked. come still bloody in the inside. just as ordered.

order yours today!

Abuba Steak

Abuba Steak

Abuba Steak

Abuba Steak

Abuba Steak

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