Jayeshbhai Jordaar

Cast: Ranveer Singh, Shalini Pandey, Boman Irani, Ratna Pathak Shah
Director: Divyang Thakkar
Bahasa Indonesia - Putra feminis dari pasangan patriarkal Gujarati melakukan perjalanan dengan istrinya yang sedang hamil, Mudra setelah terungkap bahwa dia akan memiliki anak perempuan kedua. Dengan polisi mengejar mereka dan semua orang di sekitar mereka siap mengadu pada saat itu juga, seberapa jauh mereka akan pergi? Bisakah Jayeshbhai mengantar orang-orang di sekitarnya ke milenium berikutnya?
English - The feminist son of a patriarchal Gujarati couple takes off on a road trip with his pregnant wife Mudra after its revealed shes going to have a second daughter. With the police after them and everyone around them ready to snitch at a moments notice, how far will they get? Can Jayeshbhai usher those around him into the next millennia?
(In Hindi with Indonesian/English subtitles)
English - The feminist son of a patriarchal Gujarati couple takes off on a road trip with his pregnant wife Mudra after its revealed shes going to have a second daughter. With the police after them and everyone around them ready to snitch at a moments notice, how far will they get? Can Jayeshbhai usher those around him into the next millennia?
(In Hindi with Indonesian/English subtitles)